Let's Pyvot together! Reviews & Community
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Pyvot redefines clothing by incorporating discreet weighted designs that envelop you in a sense of calm and well-being.
More than a brand, Pyvot is a community—a sanctuary for those seeking solace in a hectic world.

We're here to help you find comfort and strength.
Our Reviews and Community page is a hub for authentic testimonials and videos that showcase the transformative impact of Pyvot on real lives.
Join our community and share your Pyvot journey. Your story can inspire others to discover well-being through Pyvot.
Together, we connect, support, and transform anxiousness into resilience. We're a collective force for positive change.

Amazon Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I had read about this on CNET as a new way to get calm and fit, and tried it out as a holiday gift to myself. very happy with the purchase! I look forward to wearing it, often when I walk my dog or go to the market. I also have worn it indoors on zoom calls. Not why I bought it but it does help me stand up straighter and that gives me confidence. Well made. Its expensive but worth it because i'll be using this a lot. also, doesnt make me hot like you might think.
Jessica McCabe, HowtoADHD Youtube Channel

"The feel of the vest was perfect, soothing, calming to my nervous system. It was like a weighted blanket I could wear! The pockets (there are pockets!!) were soft and sensory-perfect for me. But it was also *cute.*
The color was beautiful; the cut was tailored. It fit me better than most of my regular clothes do. It struck me that this potentially helpful tool for self-regulation was something I would choose to wear just because I like the way it looks on me.
Which is great, because as anyone who’s neurodivergent knows—the fewer barriers and more incentives we have to *use* the tools we have, the more likely it is we’ll actually use them.
And I do."
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