Cream Pyvot Weighted  Vests

crafting calm,
one stitch at a time


Hi! My name is Adam and for the last three years, I’ve been heading a design project in NYC. We’ve been exploring the full potential of adding weight to performance apparel. Now, working with a talented team of garment and fabric experts, we are excited to introduce our first collection of Pyvot weighted apparel.

All of our styles feature a patent-pending weighted technology that’s easy and comforting to wear. The  added weight we place throughout our clothing is discretely hidden, and can help you burn calories and feel calm while you move through your own daily routine. (And these days, anything that helps me stay grounded is something I’m grateful for.)

So, I’d like to invite you to experience our great looking styles for yourself. To make it easier for you to try, we’ve made
shipping and returns free for a short time during our brand launch. That’s our way of saying we know we’re onto something special here. We believe you'll find the comforting feeling of wearing a weighted Pyvot style to be unique and absolutely amazing.

Thanks again for checking us out! 

PS.  If you have a moment, I’d love to hear your thoughts at!

Cream Pyvot Weighted  Vests

crafting calm,
one stitch at a time

Pyvot apparel is calming, to help you feel less anxious and stressed.

When added to your daily routine, Pyvot weight can build muscle mass and strengthen your core.

Wearing Pyvot amplifies the benefit of any cardio activity.